To be SOLA
July 20, 2012 near Keyser, WV
In the writing of these words are many thoughts and expectations intertwined. For one, it is my return to retrospective writing, which I fostered in my highly creative (and depressing) years between middle school and early college; and second, it is the revival of a passion for storytelling I lost when I decided to follow a more technical career path. I want to write for myself, but I also desire to connect with whoever stumbles upon this site, to speak to individuals' hearts, make new friends, and propel people forward in the pursuit of happiness doing what they love. For me, it just happens to be being outside, and for the most part, alone.
To say this blog was due a long time ago is an understatement. However, it was a few months of brainstorming and battling self-doubt (in the format of "Is this worth it? and "Will anyone read it?"), followed by what I consider was a "spiritual" and experience at Wilcox Pass in Jasper National Park, AB Canada, that led me here. Like every other time I head out into the unknown by myself, I've decided to follow my heart and let things be.
So where did this all begin? I think I've retraced it to about five years ago when I went on my first solo “adventure”, a round trip road and train trip from West Virginia to D.C. and from D.C. to Philadelphia, respectively. I spent two days in D.C. (and one night at the hospital, but I’ll leave that for a future blog post), including Independence Day, and then headed North to Pennsylvania to watch Coldplay perform live at the Wells Fargo Center. That weekend was amazing for several reasons, the most memorable being the empowerment I felt after returning to my summer condo in Canaan Valley. For the first time in my life, I’d given myself freedom to make my own decisions, do what I wanted at my pace, and define success as the journey and not the outcome. I discovered ME and I loved what I found.
Over the years, I’ve ventured alone multiple times, and every time I’ve come back home, I’ve come back a better person. It has taught me to be smart with money, be kind and cautious with people, and be open to ideas and experiences as vast as the horizons I’ve been blessed to witness. I’ve learned to reap happiness by cultivating gratitude, humbleness, and relationships. It has gifted me inner peace, confidence, and presence that I’ve carried over to other areas of my personal life as well as my professional life. Solo traveling changed my life and my outlook on it, which is why I decided it’s time to share my stories with others. I know someone out there will benefit from them as much as I’ve benefited from every single place I’ve explored alone.
From the journeys untold throughout the past few years, SOLA was conceived. Pronounced soh-lah, it is a Spanish word, the female form of adjective "solo", which means to be "by oneself". This blog is the space I've created to celebrate solo travel, specifically female solo travel, and the growth that comes with it. I'll be writing weekly (every Monday, hopefully!) about my experiences and encourage my readers to reach out through the available channels to share your thoughts, questions, or any personal travel stories with me. It's an honor and a pleasure to finally give a platform for women's solo travel experiences to create excitement and drive in others, and not just myself. I hope you all enjoy.